كريم بيوديرما فوتوديرم ماكس 50+SPF 40 مل


In addition to its surface UVA/UVB protective activity (filtering systems), Photoderm MAX offers real internal biological protection: Cellular Bioprotection™.

This exclusive patent preserves and stimulates the skin’s defences (immunity) during sun exposure.


Several times a day when exposed to the sun

  • Apply evenly and liberally before exposure (a smaller amount of product reduces the level of photoprotection).
  • Re-apply frequently, before and after swimming, rubbing and playing sports.

Do not expose babies or young children to the sun.

Excessive sun exposure is harmful to your health.

JOD 19.56 JOD 22

بالإضافة إلى  نشاطه الواقي من الأشعة فوق البنفسجية  الطويلة والمتوسطة (أنظمة الترشيح)، يوفر Photoderm MAX حماية بيولوجية داخلية حقيقية: Cellular Bioprotection™.

تحافظ براءة الاختراع الحصرية هذه على دفاعات الجلد (المناعة) وتحفزها أثناء التعرض لأشعة الشمس.

تعليمات الاستخدام

عدة مرات في اليوم عند التعرض لأشعة الشمس

  • ضعيه بالتساوي وبحرية قبل التعرض للشمس (كمية صغيرة من المنتج تقلل من مستوى الحماية من أشعة الشمس).
  • يُعاد وضعه بشكل متكرر، قبل وبعد السباحة والفرك وممارسة الرياضة.

لا تعرض الرضع أو الأطفال الصغار لأشعة الشمس.

التعرض المفرط لأشعة الشمس يضر بصحتك.

إضافة تقييم

كن أول من يراجع هذا المنتج.

تم تقديم رأيك للموافقة عليها.
Step 1: Cleanser

The most important step of any skin care routine is cleansing your skin.

Step 2: Toner

Once your skin is clean and free from any makeup, and dirt, we suggests you follow with a toner

Step 3: Serum

A serum may be able to help give your skin care routine a boost of hydration.

Step 4: Eye treatment

Like moisturizers you use on your face, eye creams and serums include skin-restoring and replenishing benefit ingredients to help hydrate, reduce the appearance of puffiness and dark circles and defend against UV rays and other environmental aggressors.

Step 5: Moisturize

Moisturizers improves skin hydration and increases stratum corneum water content by directly providing water to the skin from their water phase and increasing occlusion to reduce trans-epidermal water loss, it also covers small skin fissures, provides a soothing protective film and protects skin from friction.

Step 5: Sun Protection

Any time of year, UV radiation can affect the skin and permanently damage it. Sunburn and hyperpigmentation can result from excessive exposure to the sun’s UV rays since they deeply enter skin cells and interfere with the delicate process of skin cell renewal. Premature aging and skin elasticity loss are other effects of sun exposure.